Mandala Rooster Counted Cross Stitch Kit
Mandala Rooster Counted Cross Stitch Kit
RRP: £31.95 GBP | €36,95 EUR | $39.95 USD | $54.95 CAD | $60.95 AUD
Our lively Mandala Rooster blends intricate patterns with vibrant colours. Here's a fun fact about roosters - did you know, that they have a built-in compass? They can predict sunrise and sunset based on Earth's magnetic field!
Cross stitch is the perfect way to relax, practice mindfulness, and learn a popular form of hand embroidery! This is a great craft kit for both new and experienced crafters. And our cross stitch kits make ideal gifts for family and friends.
Your kit will contain: cross stitch instructions, printed 1-page colour chart, chart key, pre-sorted DMC stranded thread, 14 count white aida, and a size 24 tapestry needle.
The size of the completed stitched design is 5.9 (w) x 8.6 (h) inches.