Mandala Penguin Counted Cross Stitch Kit
Mandala Penguin Counted Cross Stitch Kit
RRP: £31.95 GBP | €36,95 EUR | $39.95 USD | $54.95 CAD | $60.95 AUD
As seen in The World of Cross Stitching magazine! This flightless bird is the perfect animal to stitch during the autumn and winter seasons. Designed with a fun mandala twist, it incorporates bright and striking colours into the penguin, ensuring that it is exciting for you to stitch!
Cross stitch is the perfect way to relax, practice mindfulness, and learn a popular form of hand embroidery! This is a great craft kit for both new and experienced crafters. And our cross stitch kits make ideal gifts for family and friends.
Your kit will contain: cross stitch instructions, printed 1-page colour chart, chart key, pre-sorted DMC stranded thread, 14 count white aida, and a size 24 tapestry needle.
The size of the completed stitched design is 6.9 (w) x 7.9 (h) inches.